Monday, June 20, 2011

june:sorry I've been gone/summer parties

Well, hello there! LONG, long, long, time no see. As much as I have really wanted to blog in the past couple of months, the idea of walking three feet to the computer and typing some words seemed like to much. Also known as, Pippa is kind of lazy. Anyway, I am glad I'm back and I hope to be blogging more often.

Today, we are going to talk about summer parties. I recently went to a wedding (quick congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Oetter) and I struggled with finding something to wear. Do I go for a summer-y, flow-y dress? Do I go for edgy and out of season? I finally decided on a lightweight, black and white dress. I know, hat kind of weirdo wears a black dress to a wedding?  However, with the right accessories, make-up, and hair-do you can make any little black dress a hot summer party outfit.

Keep the hair simple, but fresh. Tie back into a loose pony with pieces of loose hair framing the face. With this outfit you don't want hair to overpower the main even-the dress.

Make-up should be light, fun, and flirty-ish. Pick a palette of rosy pinks and light browns with a hint of metallic. Bright colored lips always brighten an outfit!

Shoes and accessories should be kept at a minimum for the outfit to appear elegant. Choose neutral shoes that make a small statement. Like, "Look how well I complement this super cool outfit!"- shoes.
Jewelry should be a little flashy, but barely showing. Like one shiny bracelet, or small shiny earrings. Careful, large clunky earrings will darken face. Add a quirky piece like costume jewelry or a pair of ridiculous glasses! Guaranteed, no one will be wearing them at the party.

Here's how my look turned out!

Comment with questions or your ideas for a summer party outfit.